Kessen ii characters
Kessen ii characters

kessen ii characters

Clingy Jealous Girl: Himiko and Xun Yu, who abuses the captive Diao Chan.Changing their orders will result in the death of Liu Bei or Cao Cao respectively. But Thou Must!: In the final stage, depending on the scenario, Zhuge Liang or Cao Cao must deal with Himiko's magic.Breaking the Fourth Wall: When Himiko's confession of love for Cao Cao is interupted, she rewinds the scene with a remote control.and later once again when he rejoins the party.

kessen ii characters

Big Damn Heroes: Zhao Yun saves Liu Bei by defeating Xiahou Yuan, Cao Cao's strongest officer.The former character comes back in Big Damn Heroes manner.In Cao Cao's scenario, Xiahou Yuan starts of very powerful, with five useful battle commands. A Taste of Power: Zhao Yun in Liu Bei's Scenario has high stats and some of the best skills in the game, however he leaves early on after he finds out Liu Bei's true goal.Always Save the Girl: The plot is centered around this.The Alcoholic: Zhang Fei alludes to drinking in several of his sound bytes, and is seen either completely drunk or hungover in a few cut scenes.Adaptational Wimp: Meng Huo, in contrast to his usual fearsomeness in Dynasty Warriors, is depicted as a groveling Henpecked Husband and so poor a general that Liu Bei's first encounter with him is an easy victory that occurs off screen and not a playable stage.A God Is You: Played Straight, The Tutorial level begins with "Liu Bei, the General is you".While in control of a unit, players are able to use special skills or magic spells to turn the tables as well as enemy characters. All units are controlled by the AI unless the player directly intervenes, and battles between forces are carried out in real time.

kessen ii characters

Before battle, players can choose which strategy to take, although they can manually control all units in the battlefield. The gameplay involves playing out major battles as the storyline progresses, with cutscenes between each battle to provide development to the events and major characters. In battle, these characters are able to cause earthquakes, summon lightning storms and hurl fireballs. In addition to the fantasized theme, Kessen II departs from its realistic predecessor as it introduces elements of magic, especially with the portrayal of notable strategists such as Zhuge Liang and Sima Yi as sorcerers. It is the sequel to Kessen In Name Only, as both Kessen and the later sequel Kessen III are based on events in Japan, while this installment is a story loosely-based on Romance of the Three Kingdoms. Kessen II (決戦 II, Kessen Tsu) is a 2001 strategy game produced by Koei (of Dynasty Warriors and Samurai Warriors' fame).

Kessen ii characters