There are also mini-boss Malboro’s called Goldvines (there are 3 in the dungeon).

Aurum Vale General InformationĪurum vale is all about poison, so you can imagine… Ochu’s and Malboro’s! Wohoo! Bad Breath time… Watch out for the Goldbile (map traps) and while fighting the bosses make they stack a poison type debuff called ‘ Gold Lung‘ which you can cleanse yourself from eating the morbol fruits in the map. Where is Aurum Vale: Located in Coerthas Central Highlands, South West of Camp Dragonhead, South West of First Dicasterial Observatorium of Aetherial and Astrological Phenomena (mouthful huh!) near Dzemael Darkhold actually. These truths, however, have done little to prevent new miners from braving the suffocating shafts, now even more driven to find what those who entered before could not. Not only did the liquid burn their skin, but the noisome fumes given off by the foul ooze cooked their lungs when inhaled, bringing on a quick, yet excruciating death. Believing the substance precious aurum, miners unknowingly stumbled into deep pools of glowin venom thereafter known as goldbile. What they found instead was gold, but not the sort which would make them rich. Soon after its discovery, miners from across the realm flocked to the Aurum Vale, driven by rumors that deep within lay endless veins of mythril.